11 kinds of sugar-free biscuits recipes and processing technology

2024-07-15 click:55

Today, 11 kinds of sugar-free biscuits are presented for reference by baking R&D personnel.


1. White mushroom sugar-free nutritious biscuits

I. Recipe

The basic recipe of white mushroom sugar-free nutritious biscuits is based on mixed powder (low-gluten flour + white mushroom powder = 100%), low-gluten flour 90%, white mushroom powder 10%, xylitol 25%, oil 35%, salt 0.5%, baking powder 3%, whole egg liquid 6%, water 12%.

II. Process flow

White mushroom pretreatment → weighing raw materials and auxiliary materials → dough preparation → rolling → shaping → baking → cooling → finished product.


III. Operation points

1. White mushroom pretreatment

Place the dried white mushroom product in a 60 ℃ constant temperature drying oven and dry it to constant weight, grind it into powder with a wall breaker, pass through a 60-mesh sieve, and seal it for later use.


2. Dough preparation

When preparing the dough, pay attention to the order of adding various raw materials. First, dissolve xylitol in pure water, add oil and egg liquid and mix evenly, sift the flour into the mixture and stir evenly. Knead the mixed dough until the dough is smooth, the white mushroom powder is mixed evenly, and there is no lumps. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and relax at room temperature for 15 minutes.


3. Rolling, shaping, and plating

Roll the prepared dough into a dough sheet, and the thickness of the dough sheet should be uniform and the texture should be fine. Use a dough cutter to trim the periphery of the dough sheet and cut the dough sheet to make the size of the cookie sheet 3 cm×5 cm. Place the formed biscuits neatly and evenly on the baking tray.


4. Baking and cooling

Put the baking tray in the oven and bake at 170℃~180℃ for 10 minutes. Adjust the direction of the baking tray and bake for about 3 minutes until the surface of the biscuits appears brown. Take out and cool naturally to get the finished product.


2. Sugar-free tough biscuit with Poria cocos and rose


I. Formula

100 g low-gluten flour, 50 g erythritol, 25 g vegetable oil, 20 ml rose extract, 20 g egg liquid, 4.5 g Poria cocos powder, 0.6 g baking soda, 0.5 g salt.


II. Preparation of rose extract

Select large and brightly colored roses and place them in a 250 ml glass beaker at a mass ratio of 1:10 with water, extract in a constant temperature water bath at 80°C for 60 min, filter, and obtain a clear rose extract.


3. Process flow

Raw material pretreatment, weighing → premixing → powder adjustment → standing → dough preparation → rolling → forming → baking → cooling → finished product → quality inspection


3. Sorghum sugar-free biscuits


1. Recipe

The main ingredients of the biscuits are mixed flour of whole sorghum flour and wheat flour. Whole sorghum flour and wheat flour are mixed at a mass ratio of 41:59. Eggs and milk are premixed at a ratio of 1:1 as egg and milk liquid. The addition amount of the sum of egg and milk liquid and pure water is controlled at 57% (relative to the main ingredient); vegetable oil 14%, leavening agent (sodium bicarbonate 30%: disodium dihydrogen pyrophosphate 40%) is 2% of the main ingredient, and salt is 0.8% of the main ingredient.


2. Process flow

Eggs, milk, vegetable oil, baking powder, and salt are mixed and whipped → emulsified → sorghum and wheat mixed flour is added (water adjustment) → dough → forming → baking (baking time 16 min, baking temperature 150 ℃) → cooling → finished product


4. Rice sugar-free soda biscuits


1. Formula

Functional rice (sugar-friendly rice) 22%, wheat low-gluten flour 78%, yeast 1.6%, baking soda 0.9%, oil 18%, salt 1.5%


2. Key points of the process

1. First dough preparation. Take 80% of the flour, add dry yeast activated with a small amount of warm water, then add oil and appropriate amount of water, and mix in a dough mixer for 10 minutes to make the dough shaped and non-sticky.

2. Fermentation. Put the prepared dough into a proofing box with a temperature of 28℃ and a humidity of 75% for 4 hours.

3. Second dough preparation. Add the remaining 20% of the mixed flour to the fermented dough and mix it in a dough mixer for 5 minutes. When the mixing is almost finished, add baking soda and mix well.

4. Let it stand to rise. Put the prepared dough into a proofing box with a temperature of 28°C and a humidity of 75% and let it stand to rise for 20 minutes.

5. Roller forming. Put the fermented dough into a dough press and press the dough sheet until the surface is smooth, the texture is fine, and the thickness is about 2mm. Use a mold to print the shape of the biscuits and evenly poke small holes on the dough sheet.

6. Bake and cool. Set the baking temperature to 200°C for the bottom fire and 200°C for the top fire. Bake for about 10 minutes and take out when the biscuits are golden brown. Let the biscuits cool naturally at room temperature for later testing.


5. Sugar-free biscuits with inulin and buckwheat flour


I. Formula

Mixed flour 100% (mass ratio of wheat flour to buckwheat flour is 8:2), inulin 6%, xylitol 12%, oil 16%, salt 0.5%, baking soda 0.7%, ammonium bicarbonate 0.3%, lecithin 1%, milk powder 2%, water about 40%.


II. Operation points

1. Pretreatment of raw materials and auxiliary materials

Heat and melt shortening; add xylitol, salt and inulin into water and completely dissolve them and control the temperature at 55 ℃~60 ℃; put the remaining materials in a mixing tank and stir them evenly for use.


2. Dough preparation

Put the premixed aqueous solution, oil, etc. into the mixer in turn and beat for 30 minutes until the dough has a certain elasticity and plasticity. After the preparation is completed, the dough temperature is controlled at 38 ℃~40 ℃.


3. Standing

The dough after preparation is stood for 25 minutes to eliminate internal stress and relax the dough.


4. Rolling molding

Divide the rested dough into pieces and manually roll it into thin pieces suitable for rolling. Then use a manual dough rolling machine to roll it. After each rolling, fold the dough in half and rotate it 90°, then put it back in for rolling. Repeat this process several times until the biscuit dough is uniform and soft, with a thickness of about 2 mm. Use a mold to shape the rolled dough and pierce it with uniform holes. The shaping should be regular and the surface should be smooth without cracks.


5. Baking and cooling

Put the shaped biscuit dough in a far-infrared oven, keep the bottom temperature at 220 ℃ and the top temperature at about 210 ℃, bake for about 9 minutes, take it out, cool it naturally to room temperature, taste it, and evaluate it.


6. Wheat bran sugar-free crispy biscuits


I. Formula

After ultrafine grinding, the wheat bran is passed through a 100-mesh sieve, and the wheat bran and low-gluten flour are mixed in a ratio of 20:80. Then, based on the total amount of wheat bran and low-gluten flour, 28% butter, 20% xylitol, 4% egg liquid, 0.5% salt, and 0.7% leavening agent (sodium bicarbonate, ammonium bicarbonate) are added.


2. Process flow 

Raw material pretreatment - auxiliary material premixing - dough preparation - roller forming - baking - packaging


3. Key points of operation

1. Raw material pretreatment: soften butter, pass low-gluten flour, salt and xylitol through 100 mesh sieve for later use;

2. Premixing of auxiliary materials: put the pretreated butter, xylitol, salt and appropriate amount of pure water in a mixer according to a certain proportion, stir until pure water, butter and xylitol are fully integrated, add egg liquid in batches, and finally beat until the butter is smooth and creamy;

3. Dough preparation: add low-gluten flour, wheat bran and leavening agent to the whipped butter according to a certain proportion and stir evenly;

4. Roll forming: roll the dough in one direction to a thickness of about 5 mm after stirring and shape it with a mold;

5. Baking: put the rolled dough in a preheated oven, bake at 200 ℃ on the upper fire and 180 ℃ on the lower fire for 10 min~15 min.


7. Pumpkin and buckwheat sugar-free cookies


I. Recipe

90 g whole wheat flour, 10 g pumpkin powder, 4 g buckwheat powder, 50 g milk, 75 g butter, 35 g isomalt, 0.5 g salt, 0.5 g baking powder, 0.2 g vanilla powder.


II. Process flow

Oil and sugar mixing → adding milk → adding powder → shaping → baking → cooling → finished product


III. Key points of operation

1. Material selection: Material selection is very important. Pumpkin powder and buckwheat powder should be selected with finer coarseness as much as possible. In principle, the finer the better. Other raw materials are selected according to food processing standards.

2. First whipping: First whip the butter and powdered sugar until they are white, smooth and uniform in color.

3. Second whipping: Add milk in batches and whip it to make it fully mixed with sugar and oil, and the color is tender and white.

4. Mix and prepare the paste: Add the sifted pumpkin powder, buckwheat powder, whole wheat flour, salt, and vanilla powder, stir slowly until evenly mixed, and stir for 1 minute.

5. Molding: Put the mixed dough into a piping bag equipped with a piping nozzle, squeeze and shape it, pay attention to uniform size, and facilitate baking.

6. Baking: Put the squeezed biscuit blanks into a hot air oven for baking: the hot air oven temperature is 165 ℃ and the baking time is 18 minutes. After baking, take it out and cool it to room temperature to get the finished product.


8. Buckwheat and konjac sugar-free crispy biscuits


I. Formula

80 g low-gluten flour, 23.2 g buckwheat flour, 25.6 g butter, 31.2 g maltitol, 23.4 g konjac flour, 1 g baking soda, 0.2 g salt, 17 g egg liquid, 5 g water


II. Process flow

Pretreatment of raw materials and auxiliary materials → dough preparation → rolling → molding → baking → cooling → packaging → finished product


III. Key points of operation


1. Pretreatment of raw materials and auxiliary materials

Put the weighed butter into the egg beater and beat it at high speed, then add the egg liquid twice and beat it together until it turns milky white. Dissolve the rest of the weighed maltitol, baking soda and salt in pure water and add them in sequence, beat them, mix them fully, emulsify them, and form a uniform emulsion for standby use.

2. Dough preparation

Weigh the low-gluten flour, buckwheat flour and konjac flour after sieving through a 100-mesh sieve, and then add them to the emulsion in turn for preparation. During the preparation process, the preparation speed is controlled at 26 r/min and the time is controlled at 8 min to prevent the formation of gluten after a long preparation time. After the dough preparation is completed, observe whether the dough shrinks after being stretched. If there is no rebound, it can be rolled.

3. Rolling and molding

Roll the prepared dough with a dough press to 3 mm, and then print it into the desired shape of the biscuit through a mold.

4. Baking, cooling and packaging

Put the prepared biscuit blanks in a baking tray brushed with demoulding oil, set the oven temperature to 180 ℃ for the top fire and 160 ℃ for the bottom fire, and bake for 12 min. After baking, take out and cool to room temperature before packaging to prevent moisture from being sealed in the package and affecting the quality. After passing the inspection, the buckwheat and konjac sugar-free biscuits are finished.


9. Sugar-free single-bush crispy biscuits


I. Formula

100 g low-gluten flour, 10 g egg liquid, 60 g butter, 40 g erythritol, and 10 g single-bush tea powder.


II. Process flow

Butter softening → adding erythritol powdered sugar → beating → adding egg liquid and mixing → mixing with low-gluten flour and single-bush tea powder → dough plasticization → refrigeration → slicing → baking → cooling → bagging


III. Key points of operation


Crush the single-bush tea in a tea grinder and sieve it through a 0.075 0 mm (200 mesh) sieve to make single-bush tea powder, take out the butter and wait for it to soften at room temperature, beat the egg and add it, add erythritol powdered sugar, beat it with an electric egg beater until it is slightly white, add low-gluten flour and single-bush tea powder and mix, knead the flour and butter mixture by hand until it is smooth dough, shape the dough into a cylindrical shape, wrap it with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator at 20 ℃ for 20 min.


Preheat the oven to 180℃ for 20 min. After the dough is refrigerated, take it out and slice it into slices about 0.5 cm thick. Place it on a baking tray covered with baking paper, and then cover it with tin foil and put it into the oven. Bake it at 180℃ for 20 min.


10. Sugar-free mulberry leaf and purple rice biscuits


I. Formula

180 g low-gluten flour, 20 g purple rice flour, 8 g mulberry leaf powder, 140 g butter, 60 g xylitol, 70 g water, 2 g salt, 1 g vanilla powder.


II. Process flow

Mix oil and sugar → add water → add mulberry leaf powder, low-gluten flour, purple rice powder, salt, vanilla powder → stir → put it in a piping bag and squeeze it into shape → bake → finished product


III. Key points of operation

Cut the butter into small pieces, soften it at room temperature, mix it with xylitol, and beat it at medium speed for 8 min until it is smooth and free of particles. Add water three times, stir well, add low-gluten flour, purple rice flour, mulberry leaf powder, salt, and vanilla powder, stir at medium speed for 2 minutes until there is no dry powder or particles. Put the batter into a piping bag and squeeze it into a baking pan. The biscuit has a diameter of 4 cm and a thickness of 1 cm. Bake at 180 ℃ on the upper fire and 160 ℃ on the lower fire for a certain time, and cool at room temperature for 20 minutes.


11. Purple sweet potato and coix seed sugar-free cookies


I. Formula

40.0 g low-gluten flour, 32.5 g purple sweet potato, 15.0 g coix seed powder, 0.6 g double-effect baking powder, 17.5 g butter, 15.0 g vegetable oil, 22.5 g maltitol, and 15.0 g eggs.


2. Process flow

Butter, vegetable oil, maltitol → mix and beat → add eggs → beat → purple sweet potato, coix seed powder, low-gluten flour, baking powder and mix evenly → stir evenly → let stand and rise → mold forming → bake → cool → pack.


3. Operation points

1. Raw material pretreatment. Wash the purple sweet potato, peel it, cut it into slices and steam it, then fully mash it for later use.

2. Weighing. Accurately weigh various raw materials and add them in order to mix them fully. Do not stir too much to avoid gluten formation, which will affect the expansion of the biscuits during baking.

3. Proofing. After kneading the dough slightly, let it stand at room temperature for 12 minutes.

4. Biscuit forming. Mold it on the baking tray with uniform size and appropriate spacing.

5. Baking. The upper fire is 190℃, the lower fire is 145℃, and the baking time is 13min.

6. Cooling. Let it cool at room temperature.